Love- A Gift From God

The purpose behind starting this journey was simple: to share the goodness of God through my writing. I’m not a professional writer; I didn’t study journalism or English. I write from my heart, letting my thoughts flow onto paper. I share my thoughts because I feel I’m not the only one who has them. Writing has become my way out of my head; a pathway to a place of stillness. When I write, I learn about myself, seeing growth and understanding that wasn’t there before. I’ve come to know myself better, and that has been a gift, from God.

I can’t be the only one who feels this way. I can’t be the only one who sometimes feels alone in her thoughts, who feels lonely even with others around, who struggles inwardly while moving through each day. Writing has brought me healing, therapy, and most importantly, a deeper relationship with God.

Now, I know what you might be thinking: “Oh great, she’s about to get all religious and call us all sinners.” But that’s not my purpose. I’m not here to throw verses at you that might feel irrelevant. I’m not here to pry or judge anyone who doesn’t believe or even feels disconnected from faith. I’m not here to preach a set of rules or to shame anyone for their music choices or lifestyle.

My goal is to be vulnerable, honest, and to show why God is still good, despite the hardships we face every day. I want to share Him in a way that makes sense, to let you know that even if you don’t share my beliefs, I still accept you wholeheartedly, just as He does. My hope is to spread His love abundantly and unconditionally. I want my words to feel as though He’s speaking directly to you through them. This is a gift He has gifted me- a gift to share with you- a gift of love.

Through His grace, I’ve healed. God provided me with the desires, resources, and even the medications I needed to move forward. My writing is for those who don’t believe, who may feel ashamed or have misconceptions about who He truly is.

I’m not here to label anybody because of how society has shaped their beliefs. I want to share the love I’ve found. This is a love that took me from feeling rejected to feeling accepted. I used to resist the idea of God, even hated it, and now I want to share my journey with you, from His perspective.

I want to be here for the brokenhearted, the overlooked, and those who shouldn’t have made it but did. If that resonates with you, I hope my words offer comfort, healing, and maybe even a glimpse of hope.

With lots of love,
